Planning Learning Spaces

We were delighted, about 18 months ago, when James, our Divisional Director, was asked to contribute the furniture section to the latest book to hit the shelves from publishers Laurence King, Planning Learning Spaces that was published on Monday. There’s little James doesn’t know about what’s happening in the world of educational furniture and the design of innovative learning spaces. And yes, it really does take that long to publish a book!

Covering zoning, agility and opportunities presented when furniture has more than one use (he couldn’t resist referring to our Heppell Bench in that last section!) as well as tiered seating, whiteboard tables, ergonomics and how furniture inter-relates with the building infrastructure, his section contributes to a book that builds a picture of how the design and planning of learning spaces can positively impact on learning outcomes.

So much so that Sir Ken Robinson described the book as “a powerful inspiration and an invaluable practical resource” whilst our very own Professor Stephen Heppell added that it “builds the bridge from the simple to the extraordinary … awash with opportunity and inspiration”. With a foreword by Herman Hertzberger and contributions from designers Rosan Bosch, Michál Cohen, Lenny Jensby Lange as well as teachers Professor Andrew Brewerton (Plymouth School of Creative Arts), Di Pumphrey (West Thornton Primary Academy) and Gary Spracklen (Prince of Wales First School), Planning Learning Spaces is a practical guide for architects, designers and school leaders.

Many of the contributors, together with editors Murray Hudson and Terry White, will be presenting their thoughts at Rethinking Educational Design – an ECN One Day Conference to be held at The Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors in London on 20th November – for further information and tickets, click here

And we have a copy of the book to give away to the first entry out of the hat that correctly answers the following question:
Which school has a bright orange VW Camper Van as their reading retreat in its Year 2 learning space?
Email your answer to before the end of term, and we’ll pick out one lucky winner over the Christmas holidays.

If you’re unlucky (or have to read the book to discover the answer!) you can always order your own copy from (yes, we know!) Amazon here, or, to help keep your local bookshop on the High Street, order it from your local independent bookseller.

Kelvinside Academy
Ashley Hill
Space Oasis
Autism Wessex
Redmaids Highschool
Hertswood Academy
Berrywood School
SEK International School
Edinburgh Academy
Middlesbrough College
Universidad Camilo
Gagle Brook
ACS International School
NHS Essex
Fingringhoe School
Sacks Morasha
Frensham Heights